Things Every Blogger Blog Should Have

7 Things Every Blogger Blog Should Have
The web is full of websites and blogs. In order to outshine in this competitive online business world you need a reader-friendly blog. Whether you have a business blog or a personal blog, you should have functionalities that actually help your visitors.This post will help you to throw out Bells and whistles, and will make you actually focus on things that really matter the most. From thorough About page to testimonials, here are the 7 things every blog should have.

1. An outstanding about page.

Someone who lands on your blog must not struggle to know about you. You should have a clear author description under each blog post. In addition to the author box, you must have an “About” page. The “About” page must describe what you exactly do and what your blog is all about.
If you have some services to offer, don’t shy away from mentioning details about the services you offer to your clients.

2. Simple and easy-to-remember web address.

Your domain name should be simple and easy to remember. Visitors should find it easy to type it in the browser. Try to have a .com domain as users are used to type domain with a .com extension.
Don’t use any special symbols like dashes or numbers. Be smart with the selection of your web address. A domian name similar to the blog name does exceptionally well.

3. Trustworthy Testimonials.

Adding honest testimonials can boost your conversion rates. If you sell products or services, testimonials can help your customers establish trust on you.
If you aren’t a famous blogger, you must try having testimonials from notable personalities.
Always remember, visitors would love to read real testimonials and they might easily make out if there are any fake ones included.

4. Quality content.

Articles or posts are the backbone of a blog. Having best quality posts at your blog can make you outplay your competitors online.
Not to mention, that search engines as well as readers too love quality and fresh content. Sharing the posts on social media would help you reach the right audience.

5. Good design and readability.

Your blog design must not be clumsy. It should be simple and easy to navigate. While writing your content, follow these tips to make your posts more readable –
1. Use bullet points.
2. Use bold, italic and underline to highlight the important points.
3. Use simple and easy language.
4. Write short paragraphs.

6. SEO.

No matter how good you are at social media marketing, there will be a time where your social media efforts won’t help you drive traffic to your blog.
Search engine traffic will come to your rescue. You don’t need to hire an SEO expert to do SEO of your blog. You can do it yourself.
Using keywords, internal linking, including ALT tags/text, etc. are the basic SEO practices.

7. CTA.

CTA stands for “Call-To-Action“. Always tell your readers what you expect from them. CTA’s can be used for asking visitors to subscribe to your blog, hire you for your the services you provide or buy any product.
Use buttons, highlighted text, banners, videos, etc. to call attention.
Over to you! 
Does your blog have all the things mentioned in this post? Do you have any other suggestions to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below.


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