Difference Between Pageview And Visit of a Blogger or Website

Difference Between Visit And  Pageview of a Blogger or Website
Webmasters are often confused while analyzing their web analytics dashboards. Many fail to understand the basic difference between “visits” and “pageviews”.Read on to learn how visits differ from pageviews.
All web analytics software measures different parameters differently (including visits and pageviews). The stats may or may not be similar.

For example: The pageviews shown in your Blogger dashboard might differ from what is shown in the Google analytics.
You’ll have to rely on one web analytics software and improve your scores or statistics. Otherwise, you might get confused with different softwares and tools showing different results.

What is visit?

Visit is the number of visitors visiting your website. Visits are the number of individual sessions of your website visitors.
A single user may be responsible for multiple visits. If a user has your site open for sometime in their browser, and return after a while, it might be considered as a start of a new session. The time maybe variable for different analytics softwares.

What is page view?

Page views represent the number of times web pages are accessed by your site visitors. If a single visitor refreshes a web page or accesses many pages of your site, each instance counts as an another page view.
Whenever a page is loaded by any visitor of your site, it will be counted as an additional page view.

What is the difference between visit and pageview?

When a person accesses your site it is called as Visit. On the other hand, Page View is the number of pages that the person navigates during his visit.
One visitor can generate several Page Visits within a single Visit. 
Visits and page views are both different. More the page views and the amount of time spent on your page by your site visitors determines if your audience is interested in what you’re serving.
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