Killer Tips To Improve Your Google Search Engine Ranking

Improve Your Google Search Engine Ranking
What makes you a professional blogger is your Search Engine Optimization knowledge that decides where your blog is going to stand in the world ranking. Search Engine Optimization, referred as SEO, means to make your content of your blog, search engine friendly. What you actually want to do is to boost up your Google Search engine ranking so that when a potential reader types something related to your niche or your article in the Google search, it becomes more likely that your blog link is displayed. The better are your rankings, the better would be the result. It is to remember that it’s your search engine that directs a huge traffic to your blog if and only if you have applied SEO tips in your blogging content.
Considering the importance of improving your Google Search engine ranking consistently, here are 10 decent tips to follow in order to keep boosting your ranking and enjoying more directed traffic from Google search Engine.

1) The Niche Of Your Blog

We have been sharing tremendous ideas on what niches are most productive to blog on. According to the trend that has been set by the Google Search Engine, it is evident that Google loves to link with niche sites. Having a particular niche for your blog increases the credibility of the content available on it. Google show results of the user search, from the sites that seem to be more authorized in terms of its niche.
Many bloggers think that choosing many niches to write on their blog might attract more traffic but in reality, the traffic suffers the most here. This is because, there is no targeted traffic. Writing about fashion, money making, clothing, gadgets on a single blog is truly not a good idea.
Choose a particular niche for your blog and stick to it. post articles that are relevant enough to drag Google Search Engine’s attention, and you will see your rankings improving in no time.

2) Work on Headings

First being the niche, the second important thing that decides how much the search engine is going to love you is the heading Tags that you choose for your articles. According to the reports revealed by Google, it’s the Heading Tag that let Google understand about what is the topic of the post and thus, it then plans how and where to link you up. Heading 1 and 2 should be chosen for your titles that help it exposing your content to the targeted audience.

3) Keywords on your page

Knowing the significance of keywords, we actually dominate the search engines with our articles. Its always recommended to select the keywords for a topic before starting to write on it. using keywords in your article makes it more Search engine friendly. What happens actually is that when a potential reader types a keyword to search about, Google first matches it with the blog having a related niche, once done with that, the robots match that keyword with the keywords that are used in articles and then show the results.
Try to write articles using keywords which make sense!

4) Ensure Quality

Now that’s what is really important to understand. As a blogger, your aim is not only to drag a reader to your blog by applying SEO techniques, No! In fact, you want to increase your readership by providing the best quality content to your readers who are directed from search engines to your blog. if your content would be worth following, your readers will start trusting your blog and would directly visit your blog without taking the ladder of Google Search engine which might not always a lucky one for you.
Contrary to this, sacrificing on the quality of content might still bring some potential reader to your blog if you have worked on SEO, but a bad content would encourage the readers to un follow you, rapidly increasing your bounce rate, which is again what a blogger is scared of.
Never compromise on quality of your content as that is something the readers are attracted the most!

5) Relevant Meta word tagging

Have you ever thought why for the heaven sake you add meta-tags while customizing your post before publishing it? if you did, then you might be aware of its importance. Meta-tags help search engines know what your article is about and then links it with appropriate search results.
Make it a habit to add relevant meta-tags to make your article’s objective clear in front of Google Search Engine.

6) Add Do-Follow Links

When you plan to make money online, you cannot simply stay away from other hit sites. It is always a good practice to add Do-Follow Links in your posts from authorized sites. This affects your Google page ranking positively as it brings huge traffic indirectly to your blog, increases your credibility and Google start trusting you for your content!

7) Your Readers’ comments

Its always a pleasure when you are appreciated for the hard work you put in to make your post a success; and the medals given to your article for your efforts are your readers’ comments. The fact that many people often neglect is that the comments on your posts are equally important as your content, after all, they stays on your page along with the content, working as a summary for the new readers whether to read the post or not. At the same time, Google is smart enough to notice the feedbacks from your readers and increase your Google Page Ranking too.

8. A Good Grammar

When you decide of making money with your blog, you need to take care of small things which can affect your productivity significantly. To ensure that your posts appear on Google’s first page, you need to re check your content.

9. Loading Speed of Your Blog

Search engines prefer sites that have a high loading speed because slow sites take more time in getting indexed as well as getting visitors too. To boost your blog’s loading speed, avoid using heavy plug-ins and widgets and use compressed images.

10. Social Media Friendly

With the Online world going extremely viral with social media craze, it’s the social networking websites that holds good reputation when it comes to Google Page ranking, start promoting your blog on Social media as much as you can and this will indirectly please Google, enough to improve your page rank as well.
To make any Business a success, its always recommended to start learning things and implement them in your business to achieve fruitful results and enjoy more profit. Hope the following tips work out for you.
All the Best


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